As a new career development resource, the Executive Diversity Career Navigator already has a good mix of varied tools and information—and we’re steadily adding more to it. The FAQs below will help you know where to start and how to navigate around the EDCN site.
Navigating the EDCN / FAQs
Key Actions to Advance Your Career

Where should I start on the EDCN?
It depends on the main reasons you’re visiting the site today.
- If you’re looking for general career development information based on where you are in your career, click on one of the three career levels under Your Career Stage in the second main segment of EDCN’s homepage.
- If you want a general overview of how most of the information is organized in EDCN, click on the Your Career Stage or Career Navigation heading in the second main segment of EDCN’s homepage. Those two primary headings link to an outline of how most of the EDCN information is categorized.
- If you’re interested in information that specifically relates to racially/ethnically or LGBTQ+ diverse individuals, click on the Realities & Challenges heading and its three career level links underneath.
- If you’re looking for encouraging career development and advancement tips from healthcare executives, check out the See it. Hear it. Be it. segment on the EDCN homepage.

What does “diversity” mean on EDCN
- The term diversity has been defined in many ways, oftentimes dependent on the context in which it is being used. In healthcare, diversity and inclusion must be inclusive of all people and all perspectives. Within the senior ranks of healthcare leaders, for over two decades research has shown the comparatively limited numbers of people of color and persons who identify as LGBTQ+. EDCN was designed to address this demographic gap and help these targeted populations navigate their way to senior management. Therefore, diversity in regard to EDCN’s target audience refers to individuals from racially/ethnically or LGBTQ+ diverse backgrounds. Other healthcare professionals will also find EDCN’s material useful and are invited to travel EDCN pages.

What makes EDCN especially tailored to racially/ethnically or LGBTQ+ diverse individuals?
Most of EDCN’s concepts, categorizations, and content have been developed by racially/ethnically or LGBTQ+ diverse healthcare executives and others who have expertise in healthcare diversity and inclusion topics.
- Many of the EDCN contributors are racially/ethnically or LGBTQ+ diverse healthcare executives who candidly share their own experiences and offer suggestions targeted to a diverse audience.
- The EDCN Realities & Challenges category addresses issues commonly experienced by those from diverse backgrounds, such as implicit/explicit bias, stereotype threat, and identity backlash.

How can I make suggestions for content, resources, or tools to be added to EDCN?
- We welcome your feedback on how we can continue to improve the quality and quantity of information that EDCN users will find helpful. Please contact with any question, concerns or additions to this site.

Can I find open job positions on EDCN?
- Not at this time (they may be added in future EDCN editions). Our co-hosting organizations—ACHE, The Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, NAHSE, and NALHE—each has its own “Career Center” webpage that may include job postings. You can link to each organization’s website from EDCN’s