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Navigating Your Career

Steps to Steer Your Career to Success

The outline below summarizes key action steps for you to navigate your career at each stage of your career journey. Scroll down to bottom for link to more information on each navigation step.

Chart Your Course

Early Career

Considering his future
  1. Hone career planning skills
  2. Find your passion & purpose
  3. Explore healthcare management career options
  4. Maximize use of general career development resources


  1. Update your personal strategic plan
  2. Remain open to relocation
  3. Consider different routes to your goals

Senior Career

  1. Update Self-Assessments
  2. Identify your optimum career setting
  3. Continue higher-level learning and professional development

Master the Job

Early Career

  1. Polish personal practices
  2. Become a great team player
  3. Strengthen core competencies


  1. Strengthen higher-level competencies
  2. Expand cross-function proficiencies
  3. Hone team-building skills
  4. Sharpen problem-solving skills

Senior Career

  1. Understand senior role’s complexities
  2. Hone political astuteness
  3. Sharpen inclusive leadership skills
  4. Shift focus from tactical to strategic

Leverage Relationships

Early Career

  1. Network for maximum exposure
  2. Find mentor and sponsor
  3. Learn “meta-leadership


  1. Build collaboration skills
  2. Use mentors for candid feedback
  3. Establish stronger network with other recognized healthcare leaders
  4. Learn how to talk with senior leaders

Senior Career

  1. Establish close connection with select executive search firms
  2. Mentor and sponsor others
  3. Focus more on motivating others

Gain Positive Visibility

Early Career

  1. Lead in organization-wide activities
  2. Distinguish yourself from peers
  3. Develop personal brand
  4. Learn how to talk with senior leaders


  1. Develop executive presence
  2. Take lead positions in outside groups

Senior Career

  1. Expand your community impact
  2. Distinguish yourself from peers
  3. Enhance specialized personal brand