Tips on how to strengthen…
Dr. Tiffany Love, PhD, APRN, GNP
Deputy Associate Director of Patient Care Services
Overton Brooks VA Medical Center
Shreveport, LA
Tips on how to strengthen your professional networks with other recognized healthcare leaders
Offer to serve. If an individual has set a goal to be a transformational leader and wants to expand their professional network the primary tactic I would recommend is service. Find an organization that aligns with your career goals, personal philosophy or vision and offer to serve. Many organizations are in desperate need of individuals who are willing to fill in the gaps. This need is usually not advertised publically.
There are many opportunities to serve on the board of directors, chair or serve on committees, or even provide mentoring and career counseling. This allows the opportunity to work side by side with other leaders in your area of expertise and often with healthcare executives who are more senior in their career. It would be wise to draft a professional letter of interest stating your background and what you can offer the organization. Send the letter of interest along with your updated curriculum vitae.
These positions will require dependable time commitment and it is crucial that you provide your services consistently. To do otherwise would damage your credibility. The reward will be the mutual value created between you and the organization.